Startly & Customertimes Build a SaaS Solution for Service Organizations

Startly is an all-in-one solution that helps service organizations easily manage time and expenses. With Startly, companies can speed up employee reimbursements and enforce expense policies, all from a convenient mobile app. Plus, the app tracks client tickets and service requests in a single platform to help businesses improve responsiveness, productivity, and customer satisfaction.  

The Customertimes product development team began working on Startly about two years ago. The internal team got the idea for the project, originally called TempusForce, when they noticed a lack of agile, pay-per-use PSA and ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) products on the market. They wanted to create a SaaS-based platform that would work for Managed Service Providers and SMBs, regardless of industry. 

“We want to be business-agnostic,” says Harry Cardillo, CTO at Startly. “As a project management and IT service management software, Startly is an all-in-one B2B solution that simplifies the process of managing time and expenses. The cross-platform functionality works with all browsers and can be used on iOS or Android devices, making it accessible and easy to use for everyone.”  

After working with the Customertimes product development team at a previous organization, Cardillo reached out again, and CT got to work on the proof of concept. “There was a comfort level with Customertimes,” Cardillo says. “We know the quality of work they deliver, so we brought them in to develop the Startly app from scratch. They created the proof of concept and were instrumental in helping us set up an internal DevOps practice.” 

Customertimes built both the web and mobile versions of the app, using a combination of React, React Native, .NET Core, and Azure DevOps. Startly went live in the spring of 2022, and so far, the project has been a success.  

“The technical acumen of the Customertimes team is impressive, and our daily interactions with them were positive,” says Cardillo. “They delivered a solid, scalable solution, and they are already working on new features. We look forward to continuing our work with them as Startly expands.”  

Currently, the team from CT is working to develop new and expanded features, including enhanced project management capabilities, configuration management database (CMDB), and payment modules. 

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Customertimes Product Development Services

Customertimes has built products for some of the world's leading organizations. Whether your product is ready for launch or still in the ideation phase, we can help make it a success.

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